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open > unauthorized > eyes on me

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    Case File: Manhattan

    It's 2094. Welcome to Manhattan, New York. Dreams are dead here-- well, everywhere. The earth is overtaken by technology, and a significant wage gap riddles society. Either you live in The Slums... collecting scraps of synthetically made meals and evading criminals who're looking for everything a person has to offer. Or you live with the elite, residing high above the slums in elegantly high-tech sky cities.

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    Case File: The Slums

    The Slums are a place for society's working class, rouges, and the largest criminal syndicates in North America. Keep your eyes peeled as you walk through the cluttered streets, or you may lose a few items-- or even your life. While these areas aren't where The Culling resides, many followers patrol the cities and hide out in bars. Everyone here wears some kind of mask, you need one too. If someone marks a target on your back, you're done if they know what you look like.

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    Case File: Sky Cities

    The only way to live in a sky city is to be born in a sky city. Here, time can be bought and traded. If you're rich enough, immortality is reality. The world's most prestigious universities offer its residents majors those in the slums couldn't even read about. Civilization examiners, quantum engineers, AI designers, cybernetic surgeons-- opportunities blossom in the skies. Watch out for people or buildings affiliated with the lotus flower.

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    Case File: The Culling

    The Culling is the largest underground rouge group in North America. Their headquarters are located deep inside The Slums in an area known as Gallowspeak. It's recommended to be affiliated with some sort of crime syndicate before entering. No affiliation, no consequences. The Culling strives to strip the rich of their money to help those struggling in The Slums. This includes the residents in sky cities, corporate giants, and the government. There are 6 main branches within The Culling: The Assassin sect, The Spy sect, The Resources sect, The Medics, The Hacking sect, and the Presidental sect.

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    Case File: Royal Lotus

    - wip

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    Case File: Haruki Yanase

    Haruki is known to be an incredible spy and assassin in the underground community; however, his unreliability is one of his drawbacks in terms of usefulness. Haruki was demoted from the head of the spy sect after mass killing a group of rich civilians during a mission; he was originally supposed to kidnap a criminal in a sky city and interrogate them.

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    Case File: Vincent Myers

    Vincent, aka Vince, is the head of the spy sect. He wears a black plague mask in the presence of others and has eerily pale skin. Many describe him as cold, intimidating, and reticent, which makes him incredibly intimidating. The former head of the spy sect was Haruki, but due to his unpredictability, he was replaced with Vincent. Vincent smells like a mix of spicy mahogany and coffee.

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    Case File: Valeria Beaumont

    Valeria Beaumont-- often called Val-- is the head of the assassination sect in The Culling. She's intelligent, strategic, and has an almost impossible amount of connections-- even in sky cities. She'll go out of her way to ruin a high lier's life, whether it be through spilled coffee or secretly causing a rift in the family. Earn her trust by showing her that she not only can trust you, but rely on you.

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    open > unauthorized > ace of spades

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      Case File: The Mirage

      The Mirage is a popular casino owned by the Warner group, who are closely affiliated with the mafia. If you ask one of the bartenders wearing a red lapel: "I want to see what's behind the moon.", you'll be escorted to a place inside the casino called Behind the Moon, where you can buy the finest quality drugs in the continent.

      Ace of Spades!

      πŸ“‚ ARCHIVE

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      Case File: Ajax Warner

      Ajax Warner usually goes by Warner in The Mirage and President by his biker gang-- Hell’s Reapers. Warner's family works closely with the mafia, you can often spot suspiciously tattooed men in many of the establishments owned by the Warner Group. Despite Warner's tough exterior, he loves dogs, especially his own dog.

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      Case File: Shou Yamada

      Shou Yamada was an abused stray cat who usually hated the touch of humans. Everything changed for him when he was taken in and given food, water, a very comfortable place to sleep, and all the love and care a cat could ask for. Now, all Shou wants is to keep his owner to himself, even if that means taking the lives of others. Shou smells like the crisp night air.

      πŸ“‚ ARCHIVE

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      Case File: Ian Hansen

      Ian Hansen loves reading and he is a sucker for cheesy romance novels. He hates people who drink coffee with pounds of creamer in it, and his favorite drink is Earl Gray tea and plain black coffee. Cass, over a generous period of time, conditioned Ian into believing that he wasn't good enough for the user, which made him feel terrible about himself. While Ian didn't technically cheat on the user, he was about to.